Familia Majidae

Samouelle, 1819

Hooked hairs almost always present. Orbits generally more or less incomplete. Basal article of antennae well developed, generally fused with epistome and often with front. Palp of third maxillipeds articulated either at the summit or at the antero-internal angle of merus. Chelipeds specially mobile, rarely much greater than the other legs; fingers bent at an angle on the hand. Male and female abdomens with all segments distinct or some segments fused; sometimes segment 6 fused to telson, to form a pleotelson. Female openings sternal. Male openings coxal. G1 greatly exceeding G2 in length. (Guinot 1998)

Type genus: Maja Lamarck, 1801.

Subfamilies treated:
subfamily Epialtinae MacLeay, 1838
subfamily Inachinae MacLeay, 1838
subfamily Inachoidinae Dana, 1851
subfamily Majinae Samouelle, 1819
subfamily Mithracinae MacLeay, 1838
subfamily Oregoniinae Garth, 1958
subfamily Pisinae Dana, 1851
subfamily Tychinae Dana, 1851