Genus Maja

Lamarck, 1801

Carapace elongate pyriform or pyriform, more or less broad. Dorsal surface often with a general spiny appearance; presence of median and marginal spines, but sometimes only studded or wart-like tubercles. Rostral spines unarmed, without accessory spine. Orbit ventrally open. Supraocular eave not serrated but with its posterior angle armed with a spine, the intercalated spinule being well developed. Eyestalks slender; cornea elongate, more ventral than terminal. Antennae: basal article spined both antero-medially and antero-laterally; flagellum arising from within the orbit. Third maxillipeds with merus not markedly produced at external angle. Chelipeds generally smooth, either slender, with carpus and propodus slender, or more rarely robust, with a short, thickened carpus and a swollen propodus. Male abdomen sometimes straight sided, broad distally. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer squinado Herbst, 1788, by subsequent designation.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Maja gibba Alcock, 1895
Maja japonica Rathbun, 1932
Maja kominatoensis (Kubo, 1936)
Maja miersii Walker, 1887
Maja nagashimaensis Sakai, 1969
Maja sakaii Takeda & Miyake, 1969
Maja spinigera (de Haan, 1837)