Genus Parapilumnus

Kossmann, 1877

Carapace rather quadrate or broader. Dorsal surface convex anteriorly; the regions poorly areolated, and with rows of granules, generally marked by hairs; pubescence consisting of different hairs, plumose, stiff and long. Antero-lateral margins with 3-4 teeth behind exorbital angles. Front divided into two large lobes by a median deep V-shaped notch, and completely continuous with the supraorbital border. Antennules folding transversely into the fossae. Chelipeds subequal; outer surface of palm armed with more or less sharp granules; merus unarmed or minutely denticulated. Ambulatory legs bordered with long and short hairs. Male abdomen with all segments distinct. G1 pilumnid, sinuous. G2 sigmoid. (Guinot 1998)

Carapace rather convex fore and aft; dorsal surface less granulated and usually provided with sparse rows and tufts of plumose hairs. Front bilobed and truncated nearly without lateral lobules. Antero-lateral border usually with four stout teeth excluding external orbital angle, but sometimes first tooth less prominent and obscure. Basal antennal segment not or hardly reached ventral prolongation of front. Chelipeds unequal in both sexes, especially in male. Abdomen of male with seven segments, and first male pleopod Pilumnus-type. (Takeda & Miyake, 1969)

Species treated:
Parapilumnus incertus Takeda & Miyake, 1969
Parapilumnus trispinosus Sakai, 1965