Genus Cryptodromia

Stimpson, 1858

Carapace as wide or wider than long, surface smooth, convex. Rostrum tridentate. Supraorbital tooth small, blunt usually a small postorbital tooth and a well developed suborbital tooth. Female sternal grooves end apart on small tubercles between or behind the bases of first legs. Cheliped usually without an epipod but it may be present; no podobranch; carpal and propodal segments usually nodular. First two pairs of legs without podobranchs. Carpi and propodi of first two pairs of legs may be lobed, nodular or tubercular, and inner margins of dactyli have up to six small spines. Last two pairs of legs reduced, no spine on outer margin of fourth leg dactyl. Abdomen of six free segments. Uropod plates well developed and visible externally, employed in the abdominal locking mechanism. (Türkay 1995; Davie 1996)

Type species: Cryptodromia coronata Stimpson, 1858, by original designation.

Species included:
Cryptodromia amboinensis de Man, 1888
Cryptodromia coronata Stimpson, 1858
Cryptodromia fallax (Lamarck, 1818)
Cryptodromia fukuii (Sakai, 1936)
Cryptodromia hilgendorfi de Man, 1888
Cryptodromia longipes McLay, 1983
Cryptodromia mariae Ihle, 1913
Cryptodromia nipponensis Yokoya, 1933
Cryptodromia pentagonalis Hilgendorf, 1879
Cryptodromia protubera Dai, Yang, Song & Chen, 1981
Cryptodromia stearnsi Ives, 1891
Cryptodromia trituberculata Buitendijk, 1939
Cryptodromia tuberculata Stimpson, 1858
Cryptodromia tumida bispinosa Sakai, 1936
Cryptodromia tumida trispinosa Sakai, 1936
Cryptodromia tumida tumida Stimpson, 1858