Cryptodromia stearnsi

Ives, 1891

Carapace subpentagonal, upper surface very convex, smooth, minutely punctate, with a few minute scattered tubercles, cervical groove well defined. Median rostral tooth small, triangular, depressed, lateral rostral teeth well developed, rounded triangular, their inner borders depressed, supraorbital tooth very small. Antero-lateral border with three small teeth; lateral border divided by a groove which commences at about one-third of the distance from the third antero-lateral tooth to the posterior border of the carapace, a small tooth is present behind the groove at its commencement. Two tubercles are present upon the distal end of the upper surface of the cheliped palm, the outer one is larger than the inner.
Remark: The generic classification of this species is unclear, it has been never found again since the original description. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Japan.
Range: Japan, no exact locality was given (Ives, 1891).