Subfamilia Rhizopinae

Stimpson, 1858

Small size. Carapace broader than long, nearly smooth; antero-lateral corners often cut away and rounded off. Front narrow and more or less bilobed, or broad and square-cut. Antero-lateral margins arcuate, often entire, rarely dentate. Orbits shallow, having the tendency to run downwards toward the epistome. Eyestalks often fixed. Eyes small; cornea reduced or obsolete. Antennules with the tendency to fold obliquely in their fossae or not at all. Antennae short, partly mobile; flagellum usually short. Dactylus of P5 generally upcurved. Abdomen generally not covering the whole width of sternum at the base, between the last pair of legs. Male abdomen with all segments distinct and articulating. Male openings coxo-sternal, the sexual openings being coxal but the penis lying in a narrow canal on the sternum. G1 slender, simple and sinuous. G2 short and sinuous. (Guinot 1998)

Genera treated:
genus Ceratoplax Stimpson, 1858
genus Mertonia Laurie, 1906
genus Typhlocarcinodes Alcock, 1900
genus Typhlocarcinops Rathbun, 1909
genus Typhlocarcinus Stimpson, 1858
genus Xenophthalmodes Richters, 1880
genus Zehntneria Takeda, 1972