Genus Typhlocarcinus

Stimpson, 1858

Carapace subquadrilateral, transverse. Antero-lateral margins well curved, often emarginate in places. Fronto-orbital border about half the greatest breadth of carapace. Front less than a fourth the breadth of the carapace, more or less distinctly bilobed. Orbits completely filled by the immovable eyestalks. Eye obsolete, or nearly so. Basal antennal article short, the flagellum standing in the orbital hiatus. Buccal cavern completely or almost completely closed by the third maxillipeds. Palp of third maxillipeds articulating with the antero-internal angle of the merus; outer angle of the merus not produced. Chelipeds subequal or unequal, much more massive than the legs; palm short and compressed, with sharp upper and lower borders. Ambulatory legs slender, unarmed; dactyli styliform. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Typhlocarcinus nudus Stimpson, 1858
Typhlocarcinus villosus Stimpson, 1858