Oreotlos heuretos

Tan & Ng, 1995

Carapace 1.5 times broader than long, regions not well-defined; dorsal surface finely granulated, with larger pearly granules on postero-lateral border; lateral borders of carapace swollen to form rim covered with larger granules; large prominent granule on dorsal surface directly posterior to the hepatic angle; short, shallow, longitudinal groove lined with granules on region posterior to orbit, longitudinal ridge of granules on median line in between grooves; branchial regions swollen, covered with irregularly-shaped shallow grooves and clumps of granules, giving branchial regions a wrinkled appearance; shallow, irregularly shaped, granule-lined groove on either side of cardiac region, separating lateral margins of intestinal and postero-lateral margins of cardiac regions from rest of carapace, cardiac region with shallow median groove separating two clumps of granules on either side of cardiac region; central circular clump of granules on cardiac region. Front broadly bilobed, with shallow cleft; margin of hepatic region protruded to form obtuse angle, anterior margin of angle lined by granules, corresponding larger angle ventrally in the sub-hepatic region, larger granules clustered at apices of both angles; postero-lateral border beside cardiac region protruded to form lobe.
Basal segment of antennule occupies half of fossa when closed; fossa rimmed with small granules. Third maxillipeds finely granulated with scattered large granules; merus with pointed apex, outer edge forms obtuse angle one-third down from apex; ischium 1.8 times longer than merus along inner margin, outer half of outer surface with scattered large granules. Fingers 1.7 times longer than palm; immovable and movable fingers finely granular, with rows of small granules parallel to cutting edge, cutting edges toothed with small irregularly shaped teeth; outer edge of merus with slight lobe immediately after outer distal angle. Anterior edge of merus of last pair of legs lined by large pointed granules, posterior edge lined by large rounded granules; posterior border of outer surface of propodus with clump of large granules; dactylus narrow and long, covered with small raised granules, claw very small. Abdominal segments broad, covered with scattered large granules; segments 5 and 6 with large central prominent granules, that on segment 6 being larger; segment 7 narrower than segment 6, with pointed apex. G1 2.4 times longer than G2, stout, distal half sparsely covered with short hairs, apex simple with funnel-shaped opening; G2 short, stout, with narrow, pointed, petaloid terminal process. (Tan & Ng, 1995)

Type locality: Ogasawara Is., Japan.
Range: Japan - Ogasawara Is. (Takeda, 1977b, Tan & Ng, 1995), Malay Archipelago (Ihle, 1918), Philippines (Estampador, 1937, 1959).