Subfamilia Macropipinae

Stephenson & Campbell, 1960

Carapace not very broad. Antero-lateral margins with five teeth. Antennae arising from orbital hiatus and lying almost in longitudinal axis of carapace; flagellum standing inside the orbit. Ambulatory legs stout and long; P5 lanceolated. (Guinot 1998)

Portunidae with eyestalks of normal length; carapace broad, not convex in both directions; chelipeds and legs both long, one pair of legs as long as chelipeds; carapace relatively narrow; last legs typical swimming paddles; basal joint of second antenna broad. (Davie 1999)

Genera treated:
genus Benthochascon Alcock & Anderson, 1899
genus Brusinia Stevcic, 1991
genus Liocarcinus Stimpson, 1871
genus Ovalipes Rathbun, 1898
genus Parathranites Miers, 1886