Genus Benthochascon

Alcock & Anderson, 1899

Surface of carapace with some definitely placed tubercles but without transverse ridges; front less broad then a fourth of the greatest breadth of the carapace; 4 antero-lateral teeth. Basal antennal joint longer than broad, slender, with small spinule at outer angle, not nearly filling the orbital hiatus, movable, flagellum in the orbital hiatus, not transverse. Chelipeds moderately massive, shorter than any of the first three pairs of legs; fingers as long as palm or longer. Dactyl of swimming leg oval, pointed at tip. (Türkay 1995)

Portunidae with eyestalks of normal length; carapace relatively narrow, not convex in both directions; 4 antero-lateral teeth; basal joint of second antenna broad; chelipeds and legs both long, one pair of legs as long as chelipeds; last legs typical swimming paddles, dactyl oval; ambulatory legs fairly stout. (Davie 1999)

Type species: Benthochascon hemingi Alcock & Anderson, 1899.

Species treated:
Benthochascon hemingi Alcock & Anderson, 1899