Genus Litosus

Loh & Ng, 1999

Carapace broadly pentagonal; covered with moderately coarse, long, ovate setae; rostrum, orbital regions and area along antero-lateral margin with few sensory setae. Antorbital angle of supraorbital eave absent.
Rostrum acutely emarginated, lobes with two moderately long lateral spinules each. Gastric and cardiac tubercles absent. Dorsal branchial region smooth. Subhepatic region smooth. Antero-lateral margin of carapace with one broadly triangular tubercle followed by anteriorly-directed spine; postero-lateral margin unarmed. Third maxilliped relatively broad, ischium length ca. 1.7 times width; inner margin strongly convex; exopodite usually not reaching distal border of merus. Anterior margin of merus of cheliped smooth, posterior margin with three small spinules; male chela robust to bulbous, inner surface sometimes with pattern of numerous patches, outer surface with two or three continuous or with one large medial, posteriorly-directed tooth on dactylus fitting into notch on pollex, tips distinctly curved, crossing over when fingers closed. P2-5 dactylus finely granuled along ventral margin. Male abdomen relatively elongate; proximal margin of fused segments 3-5 rounded; sixth segment squarish.

Type species: Paratymolus sexspinosus Miers, 1884.

Species treated:
Litosus giraffus Loh & Ng, 1999
Litosus sexspinosus (Miers, 1884)