Genus Ashtoret

Galil & Clark, 1995

Carapace subcircular, bearing tubercles centrally, regions undefined; front wider than orbit; lateral spine of carapace much longer than broad. Antennular fossae continuous with orbits. Chela with a strong mid-palmar (non stridulating) ridge, which is parallel to lower margin; upper margin of palm cut into three teeth; dactylar ridge in male either distally milled or smooth (Japanese species only). Carpus of fourth pereiopod bicarinate. Third abdominal segment carinate. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Matuta picta Hess, 1865.

Species treated:
Ashtoret lunaris (Forskål, 1775)
Ashtoret maculata (Miers, 1877)
Ashtoret miersii (Henderson, 1887)
Ashtoret picta (Hess, 1865)