Ashtoret miersii

(Henderson, 1887)

Surface of carapace generally smooth, minutely granular around six mid-dorsal tubercles and lateral spines, mid-postero-lateral tubercle of carapace absent. Front with straight lobes laterally and a distinctly emarginate rostrum medially; antero-lateral margins crenulate with five small tubercles followed by three large triangular tooth-shaped tubercles; lateral spine 0.2 times carapace width. Cheliped with a five-lobed mid-palmar ridge, second tubercle most prominent, acuminate; no milled ridge present on outer surface of dactylus in either sex.
Colouration: Carapace patterned with red dots interspersed with white patches. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Madras, India.
Range: India - Madras (Henderson, 1887, Alcock, 1896), Madras and Gapalur (Galil & Clark, 1995); Sri Lanka (Galil & Clark, 1995); Japan - Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a).