Glabropilumnus laevis

(Dana, 1852)

Near Pilumnus levimanus, but broader. Carapace smooth and shining, not areolate, rather convex: front emarginate, antero-lateral margin three-toothed, the teeth minute and like spines, the posterior much the smallest, outer angle of orbit not raised into a tooth. P1 very unequal, carpus smooth, not even faint tuberculate; larger hand wholly smooth, smaller sparsely hirsute, not at all tuberculate. P2-5 slender, somewhat hirsute. (Alcock, 1898a: 199)

Type locality: Mangsi Islands, Balabac Strait, Philippines.
Range: Mergui Archipelago (de Man, 1887c, Alcock, 1898); Sumatra - Banda Aceh (de Man, 1895a); Singapore; Taiwan; Balabac Strait (Dana, 1852); Indonesia - Java.