Cateios frontalis

(Miers, 1884)

Holotype male. Carapace 1.5 times broader than long, regions not well-defined; dorsal surface covered with small flat granules; larger granule on dorsal surface directly posterior to the hepatic angle. Short, shallow rounded groove on ventral surface posterior to sub-hepatic angle almost completely encircling sub-hepatic angle; shallow longitudinal groove lined with granules on region posterior to orbit, groove extends to encircle hepatic angle, ending in rounded depression close to margin of carapace; branchial regions moderately swollen, posterior half covered with large granules, small row of three large granules anterior to each branchial hump, row of large granules on median line halfway between branchial humps almost meeting granulation on humps; deep, irregularly shaped, granule-lined groove on either side of anterior half of cardiac region, separating cardiac region from rest of carapace, scattered large granules on surface. Front with deep cleft ending in small rounded depression; margin of hepatic region slightly protruded to form rounded angle halfway from the front, corresponding larger, more pointed angle in the sub-hepatic region, antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders bearing large pointed granules conferring a scalloped appearance; postero-lateral border of carapace with small rounded granule-lined depression on either side of carapace.
Basal segment of antennule occupies half of fossa when closed. Third maxillipeds densely covered with granules; merus with pointed apex, outer edge forms obtuse angle halfway down from apex; ischium 1.8 times longer than merus along inner margin, rounded granulated depression close to inner distal angle. Fingers 2 times longer than palm; movable finger with two parallel rows of granules extending from base to tip of anterior edge; immovable finger with two parallel row of small granules on inner surface inside cutting edge; outer surface of palm with scattered large granules, ovalish shallow depression close to base of movable finger, inner surface with oblique row of large granules beginning from base of movable finger and ending as a group of large granules at inner proximal angle of palm; cutting edge toothed with small triangular teeth throughout; outer edge of merus with large pointed granules throughout, inner edges with smaller pointed granules. Outer edge of merus of last pair of legs lined with large pointed granules, inner edge with obtuse angle one-third from proximal end; dactylus narrow, covered with small granules.
Male abdomen entirely covered with large granules; short raised ridge on median distal portion of segment 4 and similar ridge on proximal median portion of segment 5 joining to form prominent raised portion; segment 7 tapering gradually to apex, with constricted base, about half as broad and slightly longer than segment 6 measured along median line. G1 2.1 times longer than G2, stout, curved at apex, deep concavity extending one-third downwards from apex, distal half densely covered with long hairs, rest of G1 glabrous, with irregularly shaped shallow grooves; apex rounded with small chitinous pieces. (Tan & Ng, 1995)

Type locality: Port Molle, Queensland, Australia.
Range: Japan - Oshima Passage, Amami-oshimu Is. (Tan & Ng, 1995); Australia (Miers, 1884a; Calman, 1900), Philippines (Chen H., 1989).