Genus Oreotlos

Ihle, 1918

Carapace distinctly broader than long, dorsal surface granulated with large and/or small granules but not rugose; groove parallel to border of carapace broad, shallow and indistinct; median longitudinal ridge wide and indistinct or absent, branchiostegite region gently sloping, covered with small granules as rest of carapace, sometimes with large, sparsely distributed granules, no distinct region of large mushroom-like granules. Front narrow, produced and strongly upturned, weakly to moderately bibbed with shallow median cleft; granules covering lobes large and flattened. Antero- and postero-lateral margins of carapace expanded usually with thick granulated rim.
Antennule folds obliquely into large oval fossa with dorsally pointed apex, basal segment covered with small granules and occupies half or slightly more than half of fossa when closed. Eyes visible from dorsal view.
Male abdominal segment 4 with large prominent central raised granule, segments 3, 5, 6 sometimes with smaller central prominent granule. G1 usually 2.1-2.4 times longer than G2, distal half straight or curved, covered sparsely with short setae, apex simple with sub-oval opening; G2 short with petaloid terminal process. Sternum granular, without large granule-lined excavations; sternites interrupted, sternal suture lines distinct. (Tan & Ng, 1995)

Type species: Tlos angulatus Rathbun, 1906, designated by Tan & Ng (1995).

Species treated:
Oreotlos latus (Borradaile, 1903)
Oreotlos heuretos Tan & Ng, 1995
Oreotlos havelocki (Laurie, 1906)