Genus Gorgonariana

Galil & Takeda, 1988

Carapace transversely ovate. Dorsal surface strongly convex, smooth. Antero-lateral margins markedly arched, crested, entire. Front slightly divided medially. Eyes with short stalks; cornea hemispherical. Antennules folding transversely into the fossae. Basal antennal article stout, lying within the large orbital hiatus. Anterior margin of buccal cavern with median notch and two lateral indentations. Chelipeds considerably unequal in both sexes, massive. Propodus of larger chela robust, outer surface covered with numerous conical granules. Ambulatory legs slender, setose; dactylus setose. G1 sinuous, distally curved, pilumnid. G2 sigmoid. Associated with gorgonians. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Liomera ? sodalis Alcock, 1898.

Species treated:
Gorgonariana sodalis (Alcock, 1898)