Genus Paractaea

Guinot, 1969

Carapace relatively enlarged; dorsal surface feebly convex, both longitudinally and transversely. Regions of the carapace separated by more or less broad but deep furrows, often filled by a tomentum, and being divided into numerous and more or less convex lobules, sometimes prominent; lobules covered with large swollen granules, placed one against the other and usually having at their base a fine down; sometimes tufts of long setae. Lobules of the dorsal surface distinct, few being partly or entirely divided, other fused. Antero-lateral margin with five or four distinct lobes. Basal antennal article very short, hardly reaching the orbital hiatus. Orbits with well developed infraorbital fissures. Buccal cavern relatively, narrow. Chelipeds equal or subequal in males, with many granular lobes on the outer face; tips of the fingers blunt and very slightly hollowed, particularly that of the fixed finger. Ambulatory legs not compressed, bearing numerous granular nodules, the nodules sometimes less obvious on the propodus, or sometimes elongate, rarely reduced. Thoracic sternum wide, with the sternal suture 2/3 and 3/4 marked by a transverse line continued from one lateral margin to the other; sternite 4 without a longitudinal furrow; median groove present only on sternites 7 and 8. First male pleopod ornamented near the apex with long plumose setae. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Xantho rufopunctatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834, by original designation.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Paractaea rufopunctata plumosa Guinot, 1969
Paractaea rufopunctata rufopunctata (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)