Paractaea rufopunctata plumosa

Guinot, 1969

Carapace relatively broad (1.48 times broader than long). Lobules of the dorsal surface separated by broad furrows filled by a dense tomentum and covered by very numerous tufts of long setae. On the dorsal surface cardiac region not divided, or only a little; 3M divided into three parts, of which the two lateral are short, broad, and separated one from other by a weak furrow; 5L with a notch on the anterior margin; 1R separated from the tooth S. Antero-lateral margins of the carapace clearly divided into four lobes, of which the first is entirely separated from the exorbital angle. Frontal margin formed of two convex lobes separated from the supraorbital angles by a concavity. Male chelipeds with the black colouration on the fixed finger extending onto the palm. Ambulatory legs tomentose, not very nodular. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Funafuti, Ellice Islands.
Range: Madagascar (Serène, 1984); Japan - Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe, Kii Shiono-misaki, and Ishigaki-jima (Sakai, 1976a); Vietnam - Nha Trang; Gilbert Islands - Onotoa (Guinot, 1969d); Ellice Islands - Funafuti (Guinot, 1969d); Tuamotu Archipelago - Maruta (Guinot, 1969d).