Genus Zehntneria

Takeda, 1972

Carapace quadrate or rather ovate and declivous anteriorly with dorsal surface ill-defined. Carapace, chelipeds and ambulatory legs thickly or partially covered with a tomentum, but without fringes of long hairs. Frontal breadth about one third or less than greatest breadth of carapace. Front cut into two weakly convex lobes by a median, small but distinct notch and bears no distinct lateral angles. Fronto-orbital breadth twice of frontal breadth and equal to or slightly less than length of carapace. Eyestalk tightly embedded in more or less transverse small orbit, but movable. Cornea rather prominent and chiefly terminal and ventral but rather deficient in pigments. Antennule folded almost transversely. Antennal basal segment not reached ventral prolongation of front, and flagellum long. Third maxilliped with subquadrate merus. Antero-lateral border of carapace arched with four low teeth, and postero-lateral border weakly convergent. Chelipeds distinctly unequal in male and slightly in female. Fingers not strongly curved downwards. Ambulatory legs rather long without spines. Dactylus of last pair curved dorsally. Male abdomen with several distinct segments and wide at first and third segments. Male first pleopod somewhat Pilumnus-type, and male genital openings coxal. (Takeda, 1972)

Type species: Zehntneria villosa Zehntner, 1894, by designation of Takeda, 1972c.

Species treated:
Zehntneria amakusae (Takeda & Miyake, 1969)
Zehntneria miyakei Takeda, 1972
Zehntneria novaeinsulicola Takeda & Kurata, 1977
Zehntneria villosa (Zehntner, 1894)