Genus Atergatis

de Haan, 1835

Carapace transversely oval in outline. Dorsal surface convex, smooth, with the regions not or faintly indicated. Antero-lateral margins very long, strongly convex, arched, crested, entire or only separated in shallow lobes by indistinct closed fissures. Ambulatory legs short and flattened, and with a crest on the anterior and superior margins of the carpus and propodus at least. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer integerrimus Lamarck, 1801.

Species treated:
Atergatis dilatatus de Haan, 1835
Atergatis floridus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Atergatis granulatus de Man, 1889
Atergatis integerrimus (Lamarck, 1801)
Atergatis interruptus Takeda & Marumura, 1997
Atergatis latissimus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
Atergatis reticulatus de Haan, 1833
Atergatis subdentatus de Haan, 1833