Genus Elamenopsis

A. Milne Edwards, 1873

Carapace approximately oval (Japanese species), octogonal or hexagonal, its dorsal surface with well defined grooves. Rostrum generally trilobate or tridentate, sometimes (in Japanese species) very obscurely so, appearing simply triangular, separated from dorsal surface of carapace by a groove. Epistome short, its breadth exceeding two times its length. Third maxillipeds narrow and well separated, not nearly covering three quarters of the mouth field; ischium much shorter than merus along lateral edge. Chelipeds stouter than ambulatory legs, especially in large males. Male 1st pleopod with a stout base and thinner distal portion, torded and curved towards sternum distally, with light setation only. (Türkay 1995)

Species treated:
Elamenopsis ariakensis (Sakai, 1969)
Elamenopsis introversa (Kemp, 1917)
Elamenopsis sinensis (Shen, 1932)
Elamenopsis sp (Wu, Ling, Shieh & Wang, 1962)