Elamenopsis introversa

(Kemp, 1917)

Dactyli of ambulatory legs with a row of teeth; lateral lobes of rostrum not widely separated from medial lobe, not pointing inward; rostrum trilobate, but not consisting of three elongate spines, at least medial lobe with rounded apex, length of medial lobe usually much less than one third of carapace length, excluding rostrum, lobes not fused or barely fused at base in dorsal view; posterior lateral angles of carapace without a spine; branchiostegites with strong crest projecting dorsally and reaching higher than postero-lateral border of carapace; <5.4 mm (male); Kiangsu Province, China; fresh water. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: mouth of creeks into Tai-Hu Lake, Yang-tse-kiang River, Jiangsu Province, China.
Range: China - Tai-Hu Lake (Kemp, 1917), Suzhou and Fuzhou (Shen, 1940b), Jiangsu and Zhejiang (Dai & Yang, 1991).