Elamenopsis sinensis

(Shen, 1932)

Dactyli of ambulatory legs without teeth; rostrum trilobate, although lateral lobes may be partially fused with medial lobe and very short; dorsal carapace surface without large tubercles; ambulatory legs slender; lateral lobes of rostrum narrow, short and acute; rostrum consisting of three rounded lobes, fused at base; posterior lateral angles of carapace with a small acute tooth (approximately above base of 1st ambulatory leg); 2.3 mm (male); Shantung Peninsula, China; littoral, under stones on mud flats and attached to echinoids. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Lutao, Shandong Peninsula, China.
Range: China - Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932, Dai & Yang, 1991).