Genus Ihleus

Ovaere, 1989

Whole body and appendages covered with a dense light coloured pubescence, partly masking the tubercles and grooves of the carapace; carapace subglobular or globular; surface, beneath the translucent pubescence, with pustulous and/or blunt dentiform tubercles; all regions well defined; front moderately prominent and bilobated; chelipeds stout and less than twice the carapace length; anterior extremity of the buccal cavity produced beyond the level of the anterior boundaries of the pterygostomian regions; basal joint of the antennules forming an operculum to the antennulary fossa; second segment of the antenna immovable, completely separating the antennular fossa from the orbit; first segment of the abdomen under the carapace in both sexes; male abdomen with all segments recognizable, segments 3-5 not independently movable; female abdomen with all segments independently movable. (Ovaere, 1989)

Species treated:
Ihleus lanatus (Alcock, 1896)