Ihleus lanatus

(Alcock, 1896)

Carapace globular; a little longer than wide; all regions well defined by grooves; front prominent, slightly pointed upwards, finely granular and bilobed with a median depression; orbits emarginate, three sutures obvious; hepatic regions marked dorsally and posteriorly by shallow grooves, ventrally separated from the salient subhepatopterygostomian region by a deep groove; subhepatopterygostomian regions marking the border of the carapace, armed with large blunt dentiform tubercles; pleural suture - when visible - between the subhepatic part above and the pterygostomian part below of the region; branchial regions with rounded tubercles becoming larger and bluntly dentiform posteriorly and laterally where they form the margin of the carapace; gastric region with rounded granules becoming larger and more numerous posteriorly; cardiac region raised, defined by deep grooves, armed with large blunt dentiform tubercles; intestinal region projecting, armed with a double or triple row of dentiform tubercles, 5-6 tubercles of the second row marking the posterior margin of the carapace. Chelipeds: subequal in both sexes; entirely covered with the same translucent velvety pubescense as the carapace; 1.3 to 1.4 times the carapace length, merus with large rounded granules all around its surface; carpus short and smooth except for a small tubercle on its inner and outer margin; propodus smooth, broad and flattened; length of the dactylus equal to the dorsal margin of the palm; cutting edges of the fingers finely denticulated. Walking legs: covered with the same translucent velvety pubescense as the carapace and chelipeds, somewhat compressed, merus with a double dorsal row of small granules. Third maxilliped: exopodite with some rounded distal and lateral granules; merus with a row of granules on its inner margin and a few granules scattered along the outer margin, a few granules on the ischium; length of the inner margin of the ischium only a little longer (1.10) than the inner margin of the merus. Female abdomen and sternites: first segment under the carapace; segments 2–7 free and independently movable; segments 2–6 with longitudinal row of tubercles on the midline and on the two lateral margins with submedian depressions in between; telson of a typical shape, as long as broad, with strongly concave lateral margins; sternites with the same rounded tubercles as on the abdomen. Male abdomen: first segment under the carapace; second segment free; segments 3–5 fused though still clearly discernible; sixth segment hexagonal; segments 2–6 ornamented with rounded tubercles; telson trigonal and smooth, 1.6 times longer than wide; sternites with the same rounded tubercles as on the abdomen. (Ovaere, 1989)

Type locality: Andaman Sea.
Range: Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1937a), Sagami Bay and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Kushimoto (Miyake, 1983); Indonesia - Sape Strait, Molo Strait, between Wowoni and Buton, Banda and Kepulauan Kai (Ihle, 1918); New Guinea (Ovaere, 1989); 50-94 m.