Macrophthalmus ceratophorus

Sakai, 1969

Carapace smooth centrally, pitted laterally, scattered large rounded granules present on branchial regions; front deflexed, markedly constricted between bases of ocular peduncles, with smooth margins, clearly bilobed distally, median furrow narrow; lateral margins subparallel, 3 poorly defined antero-lateral teeth. Ocular peduncles long and narrow, cornea extending well (about half length of eyestalk) beyond tip of external orbital angle, a slender, terminal segmented filament present beyond cornea. Central region of epistome with a pointed protuberance. Merus of third maxilliped subequal to ischium. Palm of male cheliped short, outer face with medium-sized, scattered, rounded or pointed granules, inner face with rounded or pointed granules, with distinct and discrete thick patch of hair near base of dactylus, and with row of long hairs near to and subparallel with upper margin; immovable finger slightly deflexed, cutting edge without differentiated formed, pointed granules in proximal two thirds; cutting edge of dactylus proximally with a large, quadrangular, crenulated tooth, distally with a row of pointed granules. Meri of ambulatory legs with pointed granules on both margins, and a row of hairs along upper margin. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Shimogusui, Gobo, Kii Province, Japan.
Range: Japan - Gokasho Bay, Mie Prefecture, and Shimogusui, Kii Province (Sakai, 1976a); Taiwan.