Uca arcuata

(de Haan, 1833)

Carapace with anterior margin almost straight; front narrow, narrowest between eyestalk bases, frontal groove moderately developed; antero-lateral margins well developed, exorbital tooth little produced, almost rectangular; suborbital crenellations low and rounded, no tubercles on floor of orbit. Palm of major cheliped with indications of large tubercles in the center of inner face, which are so flat that the surface feels smooth; outer face with clearly trifid depression at base of immovable finger; dactylus with short but distinct subdorsal furrow; gape of female chelae with a pair of teeth slightly enlarged at least on one side. Horny terminal endpiece of male first pleopod with anterior flange narrow, posterior one broad; palp moderately long, subdistal. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Japan.
Range: Japan - (de Haan, 1833, Ortmann, 1894a), Wakanoura, Kii (Parisi, 1918), Nagasaki and Ariake Bay (Sakai, 1939), Ariake Bay (Miyake, 1961, Crane, 1975), Hizen-hama and Shimabara Peninsula (Sakai, 1976a), Tatara-gawa, Fukuoka (Miyake, 1983); Korea - (Crane, 1975), Yellow Sea side (Kamita, 1935), Ganghwa Island, Bi-geum Island, Gomso, and Sorae (Kim, 1973); China - Foochow (Kellogg, 1928), Xiamen (Gordon, 1931), south of Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932), Ningbo, Wenzhou, Santuao, Tsimei, and Xiamen (Shen, 1940b), Hong Kong (Shen, 1940), Hong Kong, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Wenzhou and Liuwutien (Crane, 1975), Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Shandong Peninsula (Dai & Yang, 1991); Taiwan - Tan-shui (Parisi, 1918, Sakai, 1939), Paishat'un, Lu-kang, Ta-chia, Wuch'i, Sinchuangtzu, Tung-kang, I-lan, and Tan-shui (Lin, 1949), Kaohsiung, An-ping, T'ai-chung, Hsin-chu, Toutti, Tan-shui, and T'ai-pei (Crane, 1975); mud flat at mouth of river or inland sea.