Pseudocryptochirus viridis

Hiro, 1938

Carapace elongate ovate, narrower anteriorly, broader and rounded posteriorly, its surface convex, covered with granules which are especially distinct in the anterior and posterior regions. Postfrontal and hepatic regions depressed. Front projected slightly beyond the outerorbital tooth, the anterior margin divided into 3 small teeth, in the same level position. Dorsal orbital margin very concave. Eyestalks stout, the inner-distal angle produced. Antero-lateral and postero-lateral margins smooth. Antennular basal segment with antero-external elliptical prominence, the margins and the surface with spinules. Antenna with its basal segment longer than broad. Ischium of the third maxillipeds as long as broad, its inner and outer margins serrated; merus short, articulated at the antero-lateral angle of the ischium, its outer margin also serrated.
Palm of the chelipeds narrowly elongate. Finger smooth. Merus of the ambulatory legs serrated on its anterior border; the distal lobe of the posterior border also serrated.
Abdomen of the male trapezoid. Carapace length 2.3 mm, breadth 2 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Tanabe Bay, Japan.
Range: Japan - Tanabe Bay (Hiro, 1938), Yaeyama-retto (Utinomi, 1944); Taiwan - P'eng-hu Islands (Utinomi, 1944); Vietnam - Nha Trang (Fize & Serène, 1957, Kropp, 1988); Indonesia - Moluccas (Serène et al., 1974); Guam (Kropp, 1988); Palau (Utinomi, 1944, Kropp, 1988, 1990); Caroline Islands - Pohnpei and Ant Atoll (Kropp, 1988).