Utinomiella dimorpha

(Henderson, 1906)

Carapace with anterior part rather depressed, posterior part rather convex; regions only slightly demarcated, anterior part of gastric region separated from front, supraorbital border, and hepatic regions by a shallow L-shaped depression which extends obliquely backwards and reaches lateral border, gastric and cardio-intestinal regions separated from branchial ones by a shallow longitudinal furrow, posterior end of gastric region indistinctly marked by a very shallow depression; front V-shaped and fringed with spinules and hair; internal orbital angle spiniform and strongly protruding; external orbital angle bearing a sharp granule and falling much shorter than the internal orbital one, antero-lateral borders behind it fringed with spiniform granules. Chelipeds homochelous, very slender, upper border of palm longer than thrice its height and also longer than dactyl. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Andaman Islands.
Range: Andaman Islands (Henderson, 1906); Japan - Yaeyama-retto (Takeda & Tamura, 1981c); Hawaiian Islands - Oahu (McCain & Coles, 1979).