Dacryopilumnus eremita

Nobili, 1906

Carapace transversely subovate in anterior two thirds but strongly narrowed in posterior one third. The dorsal surface is naked and covered with flat, vesiculous granules under lens. The front is strongly deflexed, vertical; a median longitudinal groove on the interorbital region, which, however does not reach the level of the lower orbital borders; the free edge of the front is narrow and straight, being only slightly visible from above. Orbits are circular and entirely closed, the lower orbital lobe being entirely fused with the front, but the suture line between them is traceable; thus the orbit is situated far apart from the epistomial region; the basal segment of antenna fused with the infraorbital border and the flagellum entirely wanting.
There is a deep smooth depression on the area between the orbit and the frontal margin, whence also a narrow depression approaches toward the median frontal groove. Antennules are transversely folded. The openings of the efferent branchial channels are circular and perforated on either side of the epistome. External maxillipeds are covered with beaded granules; ischium long, merus distinctly shorter; both segments being articulated with each other in a curved line.
Chelipeds are equal, merus is very short and smooth and its outer posterior margin granulated; wrist and palm are elongate and subequal in length, and are covered with sharpish granules, which are arranged in longitudinal series; fingers are also very short and proximally granular, imperfectly pigmented, the cutting edges are provided with five or six triangular teeth. Ambulatory legs are smooth, anterior border of merus, carpus, and propodus being minutely granulated under lens, and furnished with several brown hairs. (T. Sakai, 1939: 524)

Type locality: Tuamotu Archipelago.
Range: Ile Europa; Japan - Northern Daito-jima (Sakai, 1939, 1976), Amami-Oshima (Miyake & Takeda, 1967); Wake Island; Gambier Islands - Mangareva, Marutea (Crosnier, 1984).