Liocarpilodes harmsi

(Balss, 1934)

The carapace is convex fore and aft; divided into areolae by the narrow furrows, those areolae being not convex; the surface is covered with minute granules and sparse hairs. The front is not produced, and bears median small sinus and small lateral lobules. The antero-lateral border is well arched and provided with four teeth, of which the anteriormost is rounded and confluent with the external orbital angle; the following three teeth are also rounded at the outer borders, and bear the tips anteriorly. The outer angle of the basal antennal segment is prolonged a little into the orbit and thus incompletely excludes the flagellum from the orbit.
The chelipeds are slightly unequal in both sexes; the merus is densely fringed with plumose hairs, and the carpus and palm are thickly covered with granules. Each segment of the ambulatory legs is bordered with longish hairs; the tip of the dactylus is biunguiculate, of which the upper horny one is, however, supplementary. (Takeda & Miyake, 1968a: 6)

Type locality: Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.
Range: Aldabra Island (Serène, 1984); Christmas Island (Balss, 1934a, Ward, 1934); Japan - Amami-Oshima, Tokuno-shima and Ishigaki-jima (Takeda & Miyake, 1968a); Indonesia - Ambon (Serène, 1984); Vanuatu - Torres Islands and Saddle Island (Takeda & Nunomura, 1976); New Caledonia; Society Islands - Moorea.