Etisus bargibanti

Crosnier, 1987

Carapace 1.6 times as broad as long; gastric region convex, and separated from hepatic and branchial regions by distinct furrows. Protogastric region (2M) more than half-length, and marked by anterior shallow furrow. Hepatic region with three convexities of 1L, 2L and 3L. 2L much larger. 4L and 5L on branchial region very convex. Other regions, such as cardiac and intestinal regions, weakly convex without furrows. Dorsal surface of carapace smooth, and its marginal region with irregular granules, and also 1M, 2M, and 5L with some granules. Front well protruded, and divided into two parts by a deep median concavity; each half-sinuous on margin, bearing large and small lobes laterally. Orbit separated from front by distinct sinus, convex anteriorly, composed of 4 lobes; a large, dorsal lobe mesially with a small convexity; two external lobes combined with each other, ventral lobe large, being concave on its both sides; mesial lobe separated both dorsally and ventrally, and spaced for basal segment of antennule. Antero-lateral margin of carapace with four teeth; first two teeth triangular, apices with a large tubercle; third tooth distant from the precedent one, distal apex curved anteriorly, fourth tooth elongate laterally and with a row of small denticles on interspace between 3-4th teeth. P1 subequal, 2.3 times as long as carapace, left cheliped more distinctly elongated than right one: length of three articles, carpus, propodus and dactylus slightly shorter than carapace; merus with a spine each on anterior and posterior margins. Carpus with a strong conical tooth at anterior corner, its interior and dorsal margin granulate, and exterior surface reticular. Chela dispersed with unequal denticles on lateral surface, and smooth. Fixed finger spoon-shaped distally, and with teeth on prehensile margin; teeth molar-formed in larger cheliped. Dactylus with two rows of 5-6 equal teeth on dorsal surface, lateral row of which more densely arranged; lateral surface marked with longitudinal furrow; tip directed outsides distal spoon-shaped tip of fixed finger. P2-5 with thick setae on dorsal and ventral margins except those in dactylus, and with granules or spinules on dorsal margin. Granules present on ventral margins of meri, and lateral surfaces of propodi. (K. Sakai after Crosnier, 1987: 249)

Type locality: Canal Woodin, New Caledonia, 20 m.
Range: Taiwan; New Caledonia (Crosnier, 1987); 20 m.