Demania intermedia

Guinot, 1969

Carapace broad (width/length ratio about 1.40). On the dorsal surface, regions not well areolated, the regions separated by feeble furrows; region 2M partly divided longitudinally; 3M not at all separated from 2M and from the cardio-intestinal region. The whole surface of the carapace and margins uniformly invested only with granules, small and all of rather similarly size. Antero-lateral margins of the carapace with four teeth, the three posterior having their apices markedly differentiated. Frontal margin not protruding beyond the orbits and with indistinct lobes. Chelipeds with an ornamentation similar to that of the carapace. Ambulatory legs with the superior margin of the merus bearing a strong, smooth carina. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Blanche Bay, Papua New Guinea.
Range: Taiwan; Philippines - north of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981); Papua New Guinea - Blanche Bay (Guinot, 1969d); New Caledonia (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981a, Davie, 1997); Loyalty Islands (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981a); 180-200 m.