Macromedaeus demani

(Odhner, 1925)

Anterior half of carapace is as long as broad and slightly curved downward. Rostrum strongly convex downward, one third length of largest breadth in carapace, and its distal margin brimmed with fine, outward directed denticles. External corner of rostrum not continuous to dorsal margin of orbit but to inner margin beyond a small cleft. Dorsal surface of carapace beset with distinct, smooth dorsal grooves, and swollen parts covered with many, small, rounded tubercles. Frontal and epigastric regions evidently separated anteriorly by a ditch from protogastric region; protogastric region entire posteriorly. Mesogastric region entire and weakly beset with tubercles; cardiac region scarcely tuberculate. Region 1L is very small and armed only with 4-5 tubercles. Regions 2-6L evidently separated from one another by smooth grooves, among which 2-4L more distinguished than others. Cardiac region is transversely restricted from intestinal region, granulate in its posterior part. Front proximally broadened, depressed, divided into four obtuse parts, which are granulated and distinguished from carapace dorsal. Posterior margin of carapace with fine granules and slightly concave, and as broad as front. Dorsal margin of orbit granulated and with two lateral notches. A2 basis small and its interior angle fused with front. Epistome smooth and granulated only on its anterior margin. Ptergostomial region thickly granulated, however third maxilliped coarsely; article 2 with a longitudinal groove and article 3 with straight distal margin. Pterygostomial region and third maxilliped with short setae, and carapace not setose on dorsal surface. P1 equal in size. Basis laterally protruded strongly, and sharp on dorsal margin. Dorsal surface of carpus consists of two granulated parts by a groove. Fingers as long as palm, palm with many sharp granules on outer and dorsal surface; the middle granules of the outer surface forming a longitudinal row, while those on dorsal surface accumulated; finger slightly gaped, broadened distally with a deep hollow. Dactylus with three rows of sharp denticles, and additionally with another row of denticles outside. Palm with two rows of granules on lower half of its outer surface, extending to middle of fixed finger. Dactylus armed with four rows of teeth, of which two distinct; fixed finger also with four teeth, of which two lateral rows are larger, while two inner smaller. Fingers with some setae. P2-5 strongly compressed, carinate dorsally, laterally granulated. (K. Sakai, after de Man, 1888: 275)

Type locality: Edam Island, Indonesia.
Range: Taiwan; Indonesia - Edam Island (de Man, 1887d), Madura Strait (Guinot, 1976).