Meriola corallina

Takeda & Marumura, 1997

Carapace transversely ovoid, 1.64 and 1.66 times broader than long in paratype and holotype, respectively, with fronto-orbital breadth being 0.43 times as broad as carapace; its dorsal surface evenly convex fore and aft, more weakly so from side to side, smooth, shining, finely punctate; regions moderately defined with linear gastric and branchial furrows; frontal margin ca. 0.4 times fronto-orbital breadth, subtruncated, only slightly projected from general contour of carapace, with a small median notch; frontal region (1F + 2F) raised, thickened along frontal margin, shallowly separated by a transverse depression from epigastric region (1M) which is confluent with inner half of protogastric region (2M); linear furrows distinct along anterior 2/3 of both sides of protogastric region, faded posteriorly toward posterior end of protogastric region; anterior narrow part of mesogastric region (3M) ends at level of median part of epigastric region; metagastric region (4M) not discriminated, only with a pair of small pits side by side as an indication of boundary; cardiac region (1P) traceable, wider than mesogastric region, being surrounded by broad shallow furrows or depressions; intestinal region (2P) not prominent; branchial regions (1-3L) fused for their most parts, but indistinctly separated to each other for their lateral parts by grooves from posterior 2 antero-lateral notches between 2nd and 3rd teeth and 3rd and 4th teeth. Anterior groove longer, weakly curving forward, posterior groove shorter, subparallel to the former, but somewhat directed posteriorly.
Supraorbital margin with 2 interruptions laterally, with orbital region thickened to form a callus for its inner main part, being delimited from protogastric region by a distinct furrow along orbit. External orbital angle thickened, blunt, not protruded from general contour of carapace. Infraorbital margin deeply concave at its median part, with prominent rounded lamellar inner angle. Antennal basal segment just touching ventral prolongation of front, with flagellum entering into orbit.
Antero-lateral margin weakly arched as a whole, bluntly crested, with 4 teeth behind external orbital angle. First tooth nearly horizontal and straight for its most part, separated indistinctly from external orbital angle by a shallow depression, distinctly from 2nd tooth by a small notch; many pits of good size making its dorsal surface or hepatic region uneven and eroded; its ventral surface or subhepatic region minutely granulated. Second tooth as long as first tooth, oblique, straight for its most length, with rounded margin anteriorly. Third tooth about 2/3 as long as 2nd tooth, rather angulated anteriorly to form a triangle directed antero-laterally, with its posterior margin being nearly longitudinal and longer than anterior margin. Fourth tooth smaller than 3rd tooth, subacute, more or less tuberculate, distance between 4th teeth of both sides taking greatest breadth of carapace. Postero-lateral margin straight, slightly longer than antero-lateral margin, strongly convergent posteriorly toward posterior margin of carapace; posterior margin as wide as fronto-orbital margin.
Third maxilliped as seen in photograph.
Chelipeds subequal in both sexes, moderate in size, smooth with sparse small punctures. Merus disguised under carapace for its most part, finely granulated on margins. Carpus comparatively large, truncated on its inner surface, with bluntly angulated inner upper and lower angles. Palm weakly compressed, upper margin rather thickened as a whole, with a longitudinal shallow furrow on outer upper surface, weakly tapering distally; lower margin thin. Fingers dark-coloured, more than half as long as lower margin of palm, with 5 teeth on each cutting edge; inner surfaces grooved, spooned at tips, with a narrow gape between both fingers.
Ambulatory legs remarkably long, slender, compressed, without fringe of hairs; first 3 pairs subequal in length and shape, 4th pair similar to, but only slightly shorter than preceeding pairs. Carpus and propodus combined as long as merus, propodus 1/3 longer than carpus, subequal in length to dactylus.
Male abdomen 5-segmented, with fused 3rd to 5th segments; 1st and fused segments subequal in width; fused segment weakly tapering, penultimate segment quadrate; terminal segment as long as wide, evenly rounded, slightly longer than penultimate segment.
Male 1st pleopod long, moderately stout, with strongly curved pointed beak fringed with several long setae along subdistal margin. (Takeda & Marumura, 1997)

Type locality: off Iwashiro, west coast of Kii Peninsula, Japan, 60 m.
Range: Japan - off Iwashiro (Takeda & Marumura, 1997); 60-80 m.