Pisoides bidentatus

(A. Milne Edwards, 1873)

That this species does not belong to Doclea was maintained by Balss (1929, p. 14), who considered it to be related to Pugettia or Hyas. In my recent investigation however, it seems to be natural to place it near Pisoides ortmanni (Balss).
The general aspect of the body much resembles that of the former species. The carapace somewhat broader than that of P. ortmanni and is thickly covered with tomentum and the regions are well defined. The gastric region has usually seven tubercles of which three are placed in the median line; the cardiac region mounted with a tubercle on the summit, and a small one on its posterior slope, another one or two on the anterior slope. The intestinal region somewhat convex and is armed with a tubercle. Hepatic region with two tubercles, one of which is conical and large, the carapace is broader at this point than in the former species. The branchial region has nine to ten tubercles, of which two or three are placed near the cardiac region, one at the junction of the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders is prominent and conical.
The pseudorostral spines are somewhat deflexed downwards and are more deeply divided than in the case of the former species. The preocular tooth obtuse, postocular lobe markedly pointed and its inner surface slightly cupped. The basal segment of antenna with a terminal tooth and also a tubercle on outer border near the base. Infraorbital lobe is somewhat larger than in the former species. Pterygostomial ridge is armed with three to four tubercles, behind this series and above the base of the cheliped is another tubercle.
Chelipeds of both sexes are not much stouter than the ambulatory legs and are covered with velvet-like tomentum; fingers meet throughout their whole length. The dactyli of the ambulatory legs are strongly curved and acuminate.
Abdomen of both sexes as in the former species. (Sakai, 1938: 290)

Type locality: Mouth of Amur River.
Range: mouth of Amur River (A. Milne Edwards, 1873); Vladivostok; Korea - Sinpo, Samho, Toejo and Gojeo (Kamita, 1941), Samcheog and Yeong-il Bay (Kim, 1973); Japan - Mutsu Bay (Yokoya, 1928), Inubo-zaki and between Kinkazan and Sioya-zaki (Yokoya, 1933), Akkeshi, Mutu Bay, Onagawa and Misaki (Sakai, 1938a), coast of Hokkaido, Mutsu Bay, coast of Iwate Prefecture and Misaki, Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Soya Strait (Takeda & Miyauchi, 1992), Oshoro, Hakodate, off Hiroo, Akkeshi, Usujiri and Ohmu (Komai et al., 1992).