Pseudophilyra dinops

Takeda, 1977

Carapace elongate pyriform, its upper surface behind hepatic regions remarkably convex dorsally so as to be spherical, being roughly speckled; these punctules are distinctly observed by unaided eye; margin of carapace behind hepatic region with a linear ridge which is beaded with minute granules seen only under high magnification; antero-inner surface of hepatic region markedly depressed toward postfrontal region, so that hepatic region is distinct and more or less ridge-like; a median distinct ridge between hepatic regions extending from postfrontal part just to posterior ends of two spots; true hepatic border of carapace considerably convex and separated from branchial border by a wide, shallow but distinct depression and similarly from frontal lateral border.
Front tridentate, comparatively narrow and directed dorsally in natural situation of carapace; median tooth much larger than the laterals, being curved dorsally at its tip; external orbital angle salient, but smaller than frontal lateral teeth; infraorbital floor also tridentate. Merus of third maxilliped slightly longer than ischium measured along their inner borders, tapering distally and sharply pointed at its tip; exopod fairly wide.
Chelipeds about 1.5 times as long as carapace. Merus with flat granules of good size on its proximal two-thirds of upper surface, but the lower surface is devoid of them for its most part. Carpus and palm smooth and polished, but sparsely speckled on close examination. Fingers bear no distinct teeth and meet along their distal halves, leaving an elliptical gape; tips of fingers crossing each other.
All ambulatory legs detached, being comparatively stout. Anterior border of merus is so subtruncated that its cross section is nearly triangular. Upper surface of carpus obliquely truncated at its anterior half. Anterior border of propodus crested. Dactylus thin-edged, with a longitudinal bony ridge bordered with punctules on its upper surface. Female abdomen with four pieces.
The specific name is derived from the terrible appearance of two large spots on the punctulate surface like the large eyes. (Takeda, 1977b)

Type locality: Mage-jima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Range: Japan - Mage-jima, Kagoshima prefecture (Takeda, 1977b).