Genus Metaplax

H. Milne Edwards, 1852

Carapace broader than long, elongate-quadrate. Antero-lateral margins with two distinct teeth behind the exorbital angles. Pterygostomial region and ventro-lateral surface without reticulation of oblique striae and rows of short setae. Front declivous. Eyestalks rather long, about as long as the breadth of front. Infraorbital ridge divided in males into several blunt lobes and extending far behind the orbit. Chelipeds longer and more massive than the legs in males. Ambulatory legs long and slender. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Metaplax elegans de Man, 1888
Metaplax longipes Stimpson, 1858
Metaplax takahashii Sakai, 1939