Genus Platypilumnus

Alcock, 1894

Carapace very flattened, with the regions visible but little marked. Front prominent and rectilinear, bimarginate, its free edge turned abruptly downwards and with a row of spinules or only finely serrulated. Antero-lateral borders arcuate and armed with numerous spines, flanked by spinules. Margins of the orbits spinulate. Eyes short, little visible dorsally. Antenna short. Chelipeds unequal in adult, robust; palm very enlarged, fingers apically hooked. Ambulatory legs long, compressed, generally spiny on borders; dactylus styliform. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Platypilumnus gracilipes Alcock, 1894.

Species treated:
Platypilumnus soelae Garth, 1987