Subfamilia Parthenopinae

MacLeay, 1838

Carapace commonly equilaterally triangular, sometimes subpentagonal or ovate-subpentagonal, sometimes almost semicircular or semi-elliptical in outline. Dorsal surface exceedingly uneven and covered with tubercles of various sizes; gastric and cardiac regions usually deeply marked off the branchial regions on either side, making the dorsal surface of the carapace trilobed. Rostrum simple or obscurely trilobed. Chelipeds vastly longer and more massive than the ambulatory legs. Ambulatory legs slender. G1 varying, more or less stout, tapering or not. G2 usually short but sometimes in length equal to G1. (Guinot 1998)

Genera treated:
genus Daldorfia Rathbun, 1904
genus Garthambrus Ng, 1996
genus Parthenope Weber, 1795
genus Tutankhamen Rathbun, 1925