Genus Garthambrus

Ng, 1996

Carapace subtriangular in shape, broader than long; angle between antero- and postero-lateral margins strongly produced; dorsal surfaces granulose, spinose or rugose; progastric, mesogastric, metagastric, mesobranchial, metabranchial, cardiac and intestinal regions strongly inflated; gastric and branchial regions separated by deep grooves. Median lobe of rostrum prominent, sub-spatulate, deflexed downwards. Hepatic region and margin separated from antero-lateral margin by cleft, notch or large tubercle. Postero-lateral margin and metabranchial regions without long or prominent teeth or spines. Chelipeds at least 2.5 times carapace length. G1 relatively stout, not armed with long spines or stiff hairs. Distal segment of G2 elongate, subequal to or distinctly longer than basal segment (Ng, 1996: 156; modified: Ng & Tan, 1999)

Type species: Garthambrus posidon Ng, 1996, by original designation.

Species treated:
Garthambrus stellata (Rathbun, 1906)