Genus Schizophroida

Sakai, 1933

Carapace elongate pyriform, moderately broadened posteriorly. Dorsal surface smooth. Rostral spines unarmed, divergent. Eyestalks short and stout; cornea rounded and terminal. No preocular spine, but posterior angle of supraocular eave produced into a stout spine. Postocular spines without accessory spinule. Antennae: basal article narrow and with two slender anterior spines; flagellum arising from within the orbit. Chelipeds: carpus unarmed or spinous; fingers with tips hollowed. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Schizophrys hilensis Rathbun, 1906, by designation of Griffin & Tranter, 1986.

Species treated:
Schizophroida hilensis (Rathbun, 1906)
Schizophroida simodaensis Sakai, 1933