Genus Schizophrys

White, 1848

Carapace nearly orbicular-triangular. Dorsal surface generally with granules and spinules. Lateral margins armed with strong spines. Rostral spines with one or two lateral accessory spines. Postocular spine marked with an accessory spinule. Eyestalks short and stout; cornea rounded and terminal. No preocular spine but posterior angle of supraocular eave produced into a stout spine. Antennae: flagellum shut out from within the orbit. Chelipeds long and robust; merus and carpus spinose or tuberculate; chela long and heavy, smooth except some proximal tubercles; fingers gaping and with tips hollowed. G1 slender, curved outwards distally, with a simple subterminal opening. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Mithrax aspera H. Milne Edwards, 1834, by designation of Miers, 1879.

Species treated:
Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)