Maja miersii

Walker, 1887

The carapace is covered with vesiculous granules as in Maja spinigera but it has only two spines in the median line, one gastric and the other cardiac. The posterior margin is not armed. The true rostrum is relatively shorter, the pseudorostral spines are widely divergent and directed upwards, they are thickly fringed with hairs on both borders. The supraocular eaves are very thick and wide, its posterior angle is produced into a spine but there is no preocular spine. There are five rather short marginal spines behind the prominent postocular spine, the first one placed on the hepatic region and the others on the branchial region, the fifth, which is the largest of all, being deviated on the dorsal surface; no other spines on the branchial regions. The merus of the thoracic legs has no terminal spine. (Sakai, 1938: 298)

Type locality: Singapore.
Range: Japan - between Cheju do and Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933), coast of Wakayama (Sakai, 1938a), Wagu, Kii Nagashima, Kushimoto, Shiono-misaki, Kii Minabe, and Wakayama (Sakai, 1976a), Kushimoto (Miyake, 1983), Sagami Bay to Kyushu; Korea - Cheju do (Yokoya, 1933); Philippines - near Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981); Singapore (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Australia - Cape Jaubert (Rathbun, 1924c); 10-148 m.