Genus Hyastenus

White, 1847

Carapace pyriform, variously tuberculate or spinous. Rostrum varying in length. Orbit comprising eave and postorbital lobe separated by a narrow hiatus. Supraorbital eave at most moderately expanded, antero-lateral angle weakly produced or bearing a slender preorbital spine, antorbital only weakly, if at all, produced. Postorbital lobe not well developed, anterior margin sometimes with a proximal lobe, posterior margin convex but neither keeled nor lobed.
Basal antennal article generally narrow, antero-lateral angle blunt or produced as a small spine, lateral margin usually produced as a convex or triangular lobe, which never extends dorsally; article separated from postorbital lobe by a U-shaped hiatus of varying width.
Abdomen of seven segments in male and generally of seven, but sometimes of five segments in female.
First pleopod of male simple, sometimes with a subapical lobe, sometimes slender or filiform distally. (Griffin & Tranter, 1986)

Type species: Hyastenus sebae White, 1847, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Hyastenus borradailei (Rathbun, 1907)
Hyastenus convexus Miers, 1884
Hyastenus cornigerus Sakai, 1938
Hyastenus diacanthus (de Haan, 1837)
Hyastenus elongatus Ortmann, 1893
Hyastenus hilgendorfi de Man, 1887
Hyastenus kyusyuensis (Yokoya, 1933)
Hyastenus pleione (Herbst, 1803)