Genus Drachiella

Guinot, 1976

Carapace convex, suboval, not broadened posteriorly. Surface covered with simple or mushroom-like ornaments. Dorsal surface with more or less deep furrows, excavations and granulate prominences. Front thick and broad. Orbits relatively developed, completely closed. Cornea not rudimentary and well distinct. Antennules obliquely folded. Basal antennal article present, very visible, even in dorsal view. Buccal frame of the oxystome type, with a link between the pterygostomial and sternal parts. Third maxillipeds with exopod and endopod very developed. Chelipeds not longer than carapace; propodus short and broad; fingers acute. Abdomen narrow, its length covering the most length of sternal plastron. Female abdomen discoid. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Drachiella angulata (Ihle, 1918)
Drachiella caelata Takeda & Tachikawa, 1995
Drachiella morum (Alcock, 1896)