Macrophthalmus definitus

Adams & White, 1849

Carapace with heavily granular surface except over gastric, cardiac, intestinal, and contiguous branchial regions which are smooth and shiny, a number of granules arranged in transverse rows; front deflexed, slightly constricted between bases of ocular peduncles, with granules along proximal half of lateral margins, straight distally, median furrow deep; lateral margins posteriorly subparallel, 3 distinct antero-lateral teeth. Ocular peduncles long and narrow, cornea extending to base of external orbital angle. Central region of epistome excavated. Merus of third maxilliped markedly smaller than ischium. Palm of male cheliped stout, outer face smooth to naked eye, inner face heavily hairy, with large granules near lower margin; immovable finger deflexed, cutting edge centrally with a large, long, crenulated tooth, and large granules distally; cutting edge of dactylus proximally with a small but distinct tooth, and large granules distally. Meri, carpi and propodi of ambulatory legs with thick hair, meri with rows of granules along all margins. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Philippines.
Range: Thailand - Phuket (Lundoer, 1974, Komai et al., 1995); Japan - Iriomote-jima, Ryukyu Islands (Takeda, 1981b), Okukubi River, Okinawa (Shokita et al., 1998); China - Canton (Gordon, 1931, Barnes, 1970), Hainan Island and Fujian (Dai & Yang, 1991); Hong Kong (Barnes, 1970); Philippines (Adams & White, 1848, Rathbun, 1910b, Barnes, 1970); Indonesia - Makassar (Rathbun, 1910b, Tesch, 1918a); Solomon Islands - Ysabel Island (Barnes, 1967).