Macrophthalmus philippinensis

Serène, 1971

Carapace smooth centrally, with pointed granules laterally; front deflexed, constricted between bases of ocular peduncles, with smooth margins, slightly bilobed distally, median furrow deep; lateral margins slightly converging, 4 well defined antero-lateral teeth. Ocular peduncles very long and narrow, cornea extending beyond tip of external orbital angle by half the peduncle length. Central region of epistome with a pointed protuberance. Merus of third maxilliped smaller than ischium. Palm of male cheliped elongate, outer face smooth, inner face with a mat of setae at base of immovable finger continuing to the basal part of inner faces of both fingers; immovable finger not deflexed, cutting edge with a large, triangular, crenulated tooth centrally whose granular sides extend nearly the whole length of edge; cutting edge of dactylus proximally with a long, rectangular, crenulated tooth proximally, and a row of granules distally. Meri of ambulatory legs with granular margins, and finely granular surfaces, a row of hairs along upper margin. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Busuanga, Palawan, Philippines.
Range: Japan - Kabira Bay, Ishigaki-jima (Takeda, 1981b); Philippines - Busuanga, Palawan (Serène, 1971); Vietnam - Nha Trang Bay.