Macrophthalmus banzai

Wada & Sakai, 1989

Carapace covered by large granules, small central area totally devoid of granules; front deflexed, constricted between bases of ocular peduncles, with smooth margins, clearly bilobed distally, median furrow deep; lateral margins posteriorly slightly convergent, 2 well defined and 1 faint antero-lateral teeth. Ocular peduncles long and narrow, cornea extending to base of external orbital angle. Central region of epistome excavated. Merus of third maxilliped markedly smaller than ischium. Palm of male cheliped elongate, outer face with row of large tubercles at upper margin, otherwise finely granular, inner face heavily granular; immovable finger deflexed, cutting edge proximally with a large, wedge-shaped, crenulated tooth, roughly denticulate in distal half; cutting edge of dactylus proximally with a large quadrangular, crenulated tooth, distally denticulate. Meri of ambulatory legs with few hairs; anterior face of carpus and propodus of third pereiopod with tufts of setae on upper half. Tip of horny endpiece of male first pleopod broadly rounded and convex. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Samusaura, Shirahama, Wakayama Pref., Japan.
Range: Japan - Samasaura, Wakayama Prefecture, and Usa-Inoshiri, Kochi Prefecture (Wada & Sakai, 1989), Okukubi River, Okinawa (Shokita et al., 1998); Korea - Kunsan (Wada & Sakai, 1989); China - Shandong (Wada & Sakai, 1989); Taiwan; Hong Kong (Wada & Sakai, 1989).